Family Focused Mentorship

Who We Are

Growing Bridges is an organization of individuals who strive to empower today’s youth and their families to reach success, regardless of their current circumstances. We have developed a unique mentorship approach that promotes positive values, meaningful relationships, and critical life skills in each of our members. We believe these will break cycles of negative patterns and build purpose and fulfillment in each life we touch.

Thank You!

2023 was Growing Bridges’ first year participating in Give For Good Louisville! We raised over $3,700, which will be instrumental in our expansion into the greater Kentuckiana area. We are so thankful for you all!

Growing Bridges’ mission is to cultivate lasting, positive change in the lives of youth and their families across the United States.

Why We Act


of high school graduates do not feel prepared for the real world


of youth do not identify their home as a safe space


of parents feel they lack support when they are overwhelmed

We see these statistics like these as our call to action.

Our aim is to help not just children, but the entire family unit in becoming stronger and better prepared for the challenges of life. By pursuing this goal through our relationship-focused approach, we will bridge the gap between the children of our community and the support needed to overcome these statistics and find lasting success.

What We Do

Mental Agility

Participants will learn & practice a variety of life skills in group and individual settings, such as Responsive Decision Making, Self Management, and Relationship Skills.

Life Mapping

Participants will learn to set & achieve more effective goals in all areas of life through our Life Mapping process, a weekly exercise performed alongside their mentor.

4 Phase Mentorship

Our mentorship program is the focus of everything we do. Each child in our program will be assigned a personal mentor – someone with similar life experiences and specified training – with whom they will walk side-by-side through our four-phase mentorship approach.

Phase 1: Storm

“I lead, you follow”

The Storm phase focuses on acclimating mentees to our mentorship program, by getting to know their mentor and beginning work on the Life Mapping and Mental Agility practices.

Phase 2: Conform

“I lead, you help”

The Conform phase focuses on mentors pushing their mentees to begin experiencing meaningful growth, by establishing and pursuing SMART goals as well as assessing habits and life patterns.

Phase 3: Transform

“You lead, I help”

In the Transform phrase, mentors slowly push their mentees to take ownership over their own growth and development by implementing independence and self-leadership into the program.

Phase 4: Pro-Form

“You lead, I cheer you on”

In the Pro-Form phase, mentees will “Go Pro” and live out what they have learned in our program with full independence. Graduates will be prepared to share their life change with their communities.


This mission could not succeed without the support of others – please consider giving if you are able.